
Plastic waste information pack

Discover the pros and cons of plastic in our recently updated information pack, written especially for teachers and education professionals. 

This guide provides essential background information on plastic to deliver lessons that help students make better use of plastic and reduce its environmental impact. For teachers, the information in this pack provides lots of thought-provoking facts and ideas to stimulate students. You can link these facts to PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and equivalent citizenship subjects, or use them in chemistry, geography, design & technology lessons. It's also an interesting read for those who would simply like to find out how to take action to reduce plastic waste.

These fact sheets have been provided by Wastebuster CIC and the Pod, with contribution from Plastics Europe, BPF, DowDupont and Recoup.

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  • Age groups: 11-14s, 14+
  • Subjects: Science
  • Topics: Waste