
Please read these terms carefully as they govern your use of 'The Pod' ("the Product"). By accessing the Product and by accepting these terms and conditions you are agreeing on behalf of your school to the terms and conditions that appear below. If you have any questions please email us at If you do not agree with these terms or are not authorised to agree them on behalf of your school, you must not accept this agreement (please do not tick "I accept") and may not use the Product and associated services.

References in these Terms to "you" and "your" are references to your school or you as a private individual user.

These terms are effective between you and Wastebuster as of the date you accept these terms.

General Terms

1. Provision of Product

1.1 The Pod website ("the Site") and the Product are owned (or used under licence) by Wastebuster CIC (company number 05883640), whose registered office is at The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey GU5 9BH ("Wastebuster")

1.2 You acknowledge that you have provided Wastebuster with accurate and complete registration information and that it is your responsibility to update Wastebuster of any changes to that information (including your email address) by emailing The provision of inaccurate or incomplete information may affect your use of and the effectiveness of the Product and associated services.

1.3 Each registration is for a single user. Each user is required to assign themselves to a school, educational establishment, community group, local authority by selecting the appropriate establishment during the registration process. If you are a teacher, school governor, community group leader, home educator, Wastebuster employee or other education professional (a "Teaching User") then on registration, you will be asked to set up a password ("ID"). You must not pass these details to anyone else. Pupils and other users who are not Teaching Users ("Non-Teaching Users") will also be asked to register accounts, they must have their own username and class code. Non-Teaching Users will not be able to register without a class code from a Teaching User who is registered for the school with which the Non-Teaching User wishes to be registered. As a Teaching User you are responsible for all use of the Product by Non-Teaching Users to whom you give a class code, and for preventing unauthorised use of your ID. You must ensure that your Users comply with the terms of this Agreement and all terms of use applicable to the Site and comply with the terms of service of any other products or services which you use with the Product. By joining the Pod and giving us your email address, you are agreeing to the Pod contacting you about the Pod and related campaigns. You can manage your communications from us at any time. If you wish to stop receiving these emails, please email us at and we will unsubscribe you.

1.4 If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorised use of your ID, you must notify Wastebuster immediately by emailing

1.5 If Wastebuster reasonably believes that your ID is being used in any way which is not permitted by these terms, Wastebuster reserves the right to cancel access rights immediately and to block access from your ID. If Wastebuster cancels your access rights and/or blocks your ID then it will inform you of the same.

2. Limited Rights to Use Content

2.1 All material within the Product ("Content") belongs to Wastebuster or its licensors including all of Wastebuster’s and its licensor’s intellectual property rights. No rights are granted to you hereunder other than as expressly set forth herein. Subject to clause 2.2, you and your Users may retrieve and display the Content on a computer screen, print individual pages on paper, use the Content for lesson planning and store such pages in electronic form on disk and on your internal server (but not on any other server or other storage device connected to an external network unless Wastebuster has given you prior consent to do so) for your internal educational non-commercial purposes for the duration of your registration or until such time as we choose to amend or close the Site or end the Product (which we may do at any time at our discretion).

2.2 Most of the Content in the Product is owned by Wastebuster but certain content may be used under licence from third parties ("Third Party Content") and will be marked with the copyright notice of those third parties. Some of the Third Party Content will be subject to additional restrictions. You are responsible for ensuring that your Users comply with such restrictions. If you are unsure as to whether you are permitted to use a piece of Third Party Content for a particular purpose then please contact us by emailing

2.3 Except as set out in this clause 2, you and your Users may not (without prior written permission from Wastebuster):

2.3.1 Redistribute any of the Content (including by using it as part of any library, archive or similar Product);

2.3.2 Remove the copyright or trade mark notice from any copies of Content made under this Agreement;

2.3.3 Create a database in electronic or structured manual form by systematically downloading and storing all or any of the Content;

2.3.4 Make available or use the Product or Content for the benefit of anyone else;

2.3.5 Interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Product;

2.3.6 Attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Product or any Content;

2.3.7 Access the Product to build a competitive product; and

2.3.8 Except as expressly set out above, modify, reproduce or in any way commercially exploit any of the Content.

2.4 You and your Users acknowledge that the names, images and logos identifying "The Pod" and "Wastebuster" and third parties and their products and Products are the intellectual property, and are subject to the design and copy rights, of Wastebuster and/or such third parties. You may not use them without the prior written consent of Wastebuster.

2.5 You and your Users grant to us and our affiliates a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use and incorporate into the Product and Content any suggestion, enhancement request, recommendation, correction or other feedback provided by you or users relating to the operation of the Product.

3. Participation

3.1 The Product may include bulletin boards, discussion groups, forums and other public areas that allow feedback to Wastebuster and interaction between users. The opinions, advice and statements contained in messages posted within the Product ("Messages") are those of the Users and not Wastebuster. Where Users can post messages there will be a hyperlink to these terms, and/or any other terms which help control the content which we introduce. Intellectual property rights (including copyright) in any software that is made available for download for the participation in the Product ("Software") belongs to Wastebuster or its suppliers. Your use of the Software will be governed by the terms of any licence agreement that may accompany or be included with the Software. Certain promotions within the Product may also be subject to particular terms which will be made available by hyperlink. You will be responsible for ensuring that Users comply with all such terms referred to in this clause 3.1.

4. Submitting Material

4.1 Where you are invited to submit any contribution to the Product (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you will be asked to confirm that this content can be viewed by all site visitors. If you agree, by submitting your contribution, to grant Wastebuster a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify and distribute your contribution worldwide in any media. If you do not want to grant Wastebuster the rights set out above, please do not up load your contribution to the Product.

4.2 Material submitted must not:

4.2.1 Contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement;

4.2.2 Disparage Wastebuster or any other person or party affiliated with the Product;

4.2.3 Contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libellous;

4.2.4 Contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and

4.2.5 Contain material that is unlawful, in violation of or contrary to any applicable laws or regulations.

4.3 Involvement of Children in your User Generated Content ("UGC")

Children can be involved in UGC in a number of ways and you as the producer of the UGC must have due regard to their welfare at all times. Particular care should be taken to avoid causing any distress or alarm to any children involved in your UGC.

You must consider carefully the impact of the UGC on the child involved - both in the way it is made, and any possible impact it may have when made available to the public. This is regardless of obtaining parental consent.

You should consider the nature of the internet in respect of your UGC. In particular you should remember that:

(i) Your UGC may be copied onto other computers or software;

(ii) may be linked by various electronic means to numerous other websites around the world;

(iii) There is no way of monitoring or controlling the numerous websites on which your UGC may appear;

(iv) Your UGC can be copied or transmitted electronically to anywhere in the world; and

(v) Even if you withdraw your UGC it may still be accessible via the internet through other means

4.4 Child Protection

The protection of children is of paramount importance to Wastebuster. When producing UGC, obtain parental consent for ALL children. It is your responsibility to obtain the signed consent of the parent or guardian of any children featured or taking part in your UGC. Consent must be obtained prior to the inclusion of any child and you must keep a copy of the signed consent. You must obtain consent from the child as well as the parent. It is your responsibility to obtain consent from the child and the child's refusal to take part should not be overridden in any circumstances. Throughout the process of making your UGC you should always check that a child remains willing to participate. You must ensure that consent is informed. This will involve your explaining to the child and the child's parent why the UGC is being created, and bringing points (i) to (v) of Clause 4.2 to their attention prior to their consents being granted.

When obtaining consent from children and parents or guardians it is your responsibility to ensure they have fully understood what they are giving consent to. Do not assume that the child, parent or guardian will fully appreciate the consequences of giving consent. You must make it clear to them: the nature of the UGC, its purpose, where it is likely to be used or distributed and how long for what kind of contribution theirs will be, for example, live, pre-recorded, interview, discussion, edited, quote etc., whether the UGC will be edited. You are reminded of the rights granted to us in respect of your UGC under clause 4.1 of these terms, and you should bring these to the attention of the child and its parents prior to their consents being granted.

4.5 Children at Risk

In every school there will almost certainly be children at risk. Children at risk include children and their families who are in hiding, under police protection, whose lives may be at threat, children in the care of social services, children involved in active legal proceedings, or any other children whose personal or family health, safety, privacy or welfare could be adversely affected by their inclusion in any UGC. It is your responsibility to identify who and where these children are. Any pupil who, or whose family, may be adversely affected by being seen or identified or referred to must be completely excluded and must not take part in any UGC you submit. It is your responsibility to ensure this. When filming anywhere in a school you must ensure that any at risk pupils have been excluded from filming or have been absented from class. Also check the classroom for any means or evidence of identifying them, e.g. pupil names on white board, wall mounted class work, art pieces, behaviour charts, etc.

4.6 Child Identification and Anonymity

No child, (not just those at risk), should be identified by both first (christian) and second (family) names in any way (whether on screen, in audio, in writing or otherwise). This applies to names spoken in shot and names heard out of shot. This combination of the full name, with the name of the school, might make a pupil vulnerable to an adult wishing to claim acquaintance with him or her. Beware of giving away a child's identity via a "jigsaw" effect of information in the UGC.

4.7 Indecent Images of Children

In the UK it is a serious offence under the Protection of Children Act 1978 for a person to take, or permit to be taken, any indecent photograph of a child, to distribute or show such indecent photographs, to have in his possession such indecent photographs, with a view to their being distributed or shown by himself or others. What is 'indecent' is a matter for the Court. Nudity is not required to find a photo of a child to be indecent. Particular consideration should be given to whether any UGC showing children in states of undress or in particular attire or poses could be interpreted as 'indecent', for example, in PE and drama classes. If in any doubt do not include it in the UGC. Publication of an indecent picture of a child under 16 is an offence under the Protection of Children Act 1978. You are responsible for ensuring that no indecent images of children are included in any UGC you submit.

4.8 Use of Third Party Intellectual Property in UGC

You are responsible for ensuring that UGC you submit is not subject to the intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, copy and design rights) of any third party, or, if it is, that you have obtained all necessary rights from any such third party to permit you and Wastebuster to use that intellectual property for all purposes. You agree to fully indemnify Wastebuster against all costs, damages, expenses and/or losses which it incurs as a result of any claim or potential claim being brought against Wastebuster by a third party which is based on any infringement or alleged infringement of its intellectual property rights.

4.9 Confidentiality and Data Protection

4.9.1 You are responsible for ensuring that your submission of UGC, and Wastebuster's use of your UGC in relation to the Product, does not breach any third party's rights under the Data Protection Act 1998 (as may be amended from time to time) and/or any similar and/or related successor legislation or regulation including (without limitation) any which may arise from REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 applicable to the jurisdiction of England and Wales, nor breach any obligations of confidentiality owed to any third party, and you agree to fully indemnify Wastebuster against all costs, damages, expenses and/or losses which it incurs as a result of any claim or potential claim being brought against Wastebuster by a third party which is based on such a breach.

4.9.2 Wastebuster will use the personal information you provide to us: To supply the Product to you;  To process your registration for the Products; and  If you agreed to this, to give you information about our products, but you may stop receiving this at any time by contacting us.

5. Warranties and Indemnities

5.1 Wastebuster will use its reasonable skill in making the Product available to you. However, because of the number of sources from which Wastebuster obtains the Content and because of the nature of the Internet and computer software and hardware, errors and omissions may occur and Wastebuster does not give any warranties in respect of the Product. In particular, you should not take the accuracy of the information for granted and Wastebuster makes no warranty that the Product is free from infection by viruses or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties. All implied warranties are excluded from this Agreement to the extent that they may be excluded as a matter of law.

5.2 You shall indemnify, defend and hold Wastebuster, its agents, affiliates, and licensors harmless from any claim, costs, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments and expenses (including legal costs), arising out of or in connection with any claim, action or proceeding (any and all of which are "Claims") arising out of your use of the Product in any manner that breaches these Terms, the Privacy Policy and/or the Blog and Gallery Posting Rules or otherwise arising out of content contributed by you and not by Wastebuster.

6. Limitation of Liability

6.1 Wastebuster will not be liable for any loss you suffer as a result of a breach of these Terms or unavailability of the Product. Wastebuster will not be responsible for indirect or consequential losses which are incurred as a result of any breach (such as, without limitation, loss of profits or loss of data).

6.2 Notwithstanding the above provisions of this clause 6, Wastebuster's liability will not be limited in the case of death or personal injury directly caused by Wastebuster's negligence.

7. Privacy Policy

7.1 The information that you provide about yourself to Wastebuster will only be used by Wastebuster in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully and if you have any questions please email

8. Changes

8.1 Wastebuster is continually seeking to improve the Product. Wastebuster reserves the right, at its discretion, to make changes to any part of the Product provided that it does not materially reduce the content or functionality of the relevant Product.

8.2 Wastebuster reserves the right to change these Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Blog and Gallery Posting Rules, or any other relevant materials, and/or introduce new rules or terms and conditions for any element of the Product at any time. Unless such changes are minor, the changes will be posted on the terms and conditions page of the Product not less than seven days prior to their having effect.

8.3 Your continued use of the Product after the date on which any change or addition to the Product or the Terms, Privacy Policy, Blog and Gallery Posting Rules or any other change or addition is made shall signify your acceptance of any changes or additions made under Clauses 8.1 and/or 8.2 above.

9. Links

9.1 The Product contains links to other websites and resources, either directly or through frames and, where possible, Wastebuster will make clear where such links are being made. Independent third parties provide these sites and Wastebuster is not responsible and shall not be liable for the availability or content of these outside resources.

10. Blogs and Images

10.1 Only teachers and education professionals may post content for inclusion in the "blogs" and the "galleries" sections of the Product (such content being referred to as "Blogs" and "Images" respectively). The posting of all Blogs and Images is subject to the Blog and Gallery Posting Rules shown below these terms.

11. General

11.1 You may not transfer any of your rights under these terms to any other person. Wastebuster may assign, novate or otherwise transfer its rights and/or obligations under these terms at any time without notice.

11.2 If any provision of these terms is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms, which shall remain in full force and effect.

11.3 If you breach these terms and Wastebuster chooses to not to promptly enforce these terms or seek any remedy under the same, Wastebuster will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach this Agreement.

11.4 These terms are only enforceable by you and by Wastebuster, no third party shall be entitled to enforce these terms.

11.5 We will try to solve any disagreements quickly and efficiently. If you are not happy with the way we deal with any disagreement and you want to take court proceedings, you must do so under English law within the United Kingdom

11.6 Headings in these terms are for convenience only and will have no legal meaning or effect.

11.7 These terms are governed by the law of England and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Every effort has been made to establish copyright in the material in this Product. If there are any anomalies, please email

12. Blog Posting Rules

12.1 By posting and/or approving content (including, without limitation, Blogs and Images) for inclusion within this section of the Pod Website you agree that:

12.2 You are a teacher or other education professional and are responsible for supervising the pupils whose Blogs and/or Images you post/approve.

12.3 The Blogs and/or Images you post/approve have not been created by any person other than you or a pupil who you supervise.

12.4 You will fully review each Blog and each Image you post/approve prior to doing the same, and you confirm that each such Blog and/or Image:

(i) Does not contain any content or language which may reasonably be considered unlawful, immoral or indecent, dishonest, offensive, derogatory or defamatory by any other users of the Pod website (such other users including (without limitation) other education professionals, other pupils (both from your school and other schools) of varying ages, and members of the general public);

(ii) Does not contain any content which is subject to any third party intellectual property rights (for example, any trademarks or trade names) unless you have obtained all necessary consents from the relevant third party in order to include the same within the Blog and/or Image. All such consents must be obtained in writing from the relevant third party and evidence of such consents must be provided to Wastebuster upon request. You should therefore keep a copy of all such consents. Please be aware that third party intellectual property rights include copyrights;

(iii) Does not contain any viruses or other malicious computer programming routines;

(iv) Does not include any links to any other websites;

(v) Does not contain any content which is not relevant to the Pod, Wastebuster, any Friend of the Pod or other associated organisation, or any programmes, schemes or promotions which may be carried out by any of the same, or activities carried out by your school which are aimed at promoting energy efficiency, environmental protection, or other similar goals;

(vi) Does not include any information which can be used to identify or contact you, any pupil, or any other individual, or any other personal data. For example, Blogs may refer to yourself or any pupil by their Pod nickname, but neither Blogs nor Images may include real names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses or any combination of information which, when taken together (across one or more Blogs and/or Images) could be used to contact or identify a specific individual.

(vii) Does not include any other content which could be used for unlawful or immoral purposes. For example, you must not include any bank details, passwords or codes, personal information, etc.

12.5 You are able to grant, and hereby grant, Wastebuster an irrevocable, perpetual, sub-licensable, royalty free licence to use all Blogs and all Images for any lawful purposes whatsoever.

12.6 You will exercise due care and skill in reviewing all Blogs and Images to ensure that all Blogs and Images are accurate, relevant and appropriate for posting, and will not post or approve any Blog or Image which you do not consider to be accurate, relevant or appropriate.

12.7  You acknowledge that as an education professional you owe a duty of care to your pupils and will act at all times in a manner which is consistent with this duty of care when posting/approving Blogs and/or Images.

12.8 You will not post or approve any Blog or Image other than in full compliance with these rules

Thank you for visiting the Pod website ('the Website').

The terms above apply to your use of the Website. Please check back regularly to see if there have been any changes. By using the Website you acknowledge and agree that:

  • Although due care has been taken in compiling the contents of this Website, Wastebuster accepts no liability in respect of any errors, omission or inaccuracies contained or referred to in it. Wastebuster provides content on the Website in good faith but no warranty or representation is given that the content is accurate, complete or up to date. Use of content on the Website is at your own risk. While Wastebuster takes reasonable precautions to prevent computer viruses and other malicious programs on the Website, no liability is accepted for them.
  • intellectual property rights in the content of this Website are owned by Wastebuster and its licensors including all of Wastebuster’s and its licensor’s intellectual property rights. No rights are granted to you hereunder other than as expressly set forth herein. You are permitted to download and print content from the Website solely for your own internal teaching purposes and/or personal use. The Website content must not be copied or reproduced, used or otherwise dealt with for any other reason. You are not entitled to modify or redistribute the content of this Website or link, frame or deep-link it on any other website without the express written permission of Wastebuster.
  • Trade marks, logos and brand names shown on the Website are owned by Wastebuster or its licensors. No rights are granted to use any of them without the prior written permission of the owners.
  • Information transmitted via this Website will pass over public telecommunications networks which are inherently insecure. Wastebuster makes no representation or warranty that the operation of this Website will be uninterrupted or error-free and disclaims all liability in respect of it.
  • This Website contains links to other websites. Wastebuster accepts no responsibility or liability for any material supplied by or contained on any third party website which is linked from or to this Website, or any use of personal data by such third party.


This page contains information on what 'cookies' are, how to switch cookies off in your browser and some useful links for further reading on the subject.

What are 'cookies'?

'Cookies' are small text files that are stored by the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Safari) on your computer or mobile phone. They allow websites to store such things as user preferences. You can think of cookies as providing a "memory" for the website, enabling it to recognise a user and respond appropriately.

How does Join the Pod use cookies?

A visit to a page on may generate the following types of cookie:

  • Site performance cookies
  • Anonymous analytics cookies
  • Geotargetting cookies - These cookies are used by software which tries to work out what country you are in from information supplied by your browser when it requests a web page. This cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help target content.
  • Registration cookies - When you register with the Join the Pod, we generate cookies that signal whether you are signed in or not. Our servers use these cookies to work out which account you are signed in with, and if you are allowed access to a particular service. It also allows us to associate any comments you post with your account. While you are signed into either of the sites, we combine information from your registration cookies with analytics cookies, which we could use to identify which pages you have seen on The Pod as an individual.
  • Site performance cookies - This type of cookie remembers your preferences for tools found on Join the Pod, so you don't have to re-set them each time you visit. Examples include, volume settings for our video player, whether you see the latest or the oldest article comments first and video streaming speeds that are compatible with your browser.
  • Anonymous analytics cookies - Every time a user visits our website, web analytics software provided by a third party generates an anonymous analytics cookie. These cookies can tell us whether or not you have visited the site before. Your browser will tell us if you have these cookies, and if you don't, we generate new ones. This allows us to track how many individual unique users we have, what they do on the site, and how often they visit the site. These analytics are used for statistical purposes only. If you are logged in, we will also know the details you gave to us for this, such as email address.

How do I turn cookies off?

It is usually possible to stop your browser accepting cookies, or to stop it accepting cookies from a particular website. For example, we cannot tell if you are signed in without using cookies, so you would not be able to post comments. All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser.


Recycle to Read Toys (the “R2R Toys”)


1.1 R2R Toys is available for schools in mainland England and Wales only at this time.

1.2 R2R Toys is free for schools to participate in.

1.3 R2R Toys runs from April 2024 until 22 July 2025.

1.4 Schools are able to opt to collect just reusable toys, or reusable toys and textiles as two separate collections to be collected at the same time.

1.5 Toys: We can only accept toys that are reusable working toys for rehoming.

1.6 Toys: We cannot accept;

  • Jigsaws
  • Damaged toys
  • Incomplete games

1.7 Textiles: We can only accept (see full list on FAQs);

  • Wearable Clothing
  • Paired Shoes
  • Handbags
  • Belts
  • Duvet Covers
  • Pillowcases

1.8 Textiles: We cannot accept;

  • Workwear
  • Uniforms (including school uniforms)
  • Wet/Soiled Clothes
  • Duvets
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Table Cloths
  • Linens
  • Cushions
  • Carpets

1.9 It is recommended that a risk assessment is undertaken to ensure any toy or textiles collections activity in school is carried out responsibly with H&S considerations. Wastebuster shall not be liable to any registered school, under or in connection with the Recycle to Read campaign, howsoever arising under or in connection with these terms and conditions of the, whether in tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind as a result of participation in the collections.

2. Voucher and discount codes

2.1 All participants in R2R Toys are able to receive a discount code for 20% off the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue. This code will be sent to the email address used to register for recycling or rehoming, or in the case of schools, the email address used when registering to take part in R2R Toys.

2.2 Book voucher codes are issued in increments of £5 (£5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc.) up to £100, after which codes are issued in multiples of £100 (£100, 200, 300 etc.). The minimum voucher value is £5.

2.3 Schools wishing to buy books from the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue using their book voucher codes must follow the on-screen instructions on

2.4 Book orders made in the Recycle to Read book catalogue using the prize book voucher codes will have free postage and packaging (worth £2.95) which will be applied when a voucher code is entered at checkout.

2.5 Only one book voucher code can be used in each book order transaction.

2.6 Book voucher codes can only be redeemed once.

2.7 If the cost of the book(s) being purchased using the book voucher code is greater than the value of the book voucher code, it is possible to use other payment methods to cover the remaining cost. The value of the book voucher code is applied to the total order value.

2.8 If the value of the book voucher code is higher than the cost of the book(s) in the transaction, the remaining value of the book voucher code will be lost. No form of credit can be given for any unspent book voucher code value.

2.9 Book voucher codes only have a credit value in the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue and cannot be exchanged for cash or otherwise.

2.10 Wastebuster cannot be held responsible for reissuing or refunding the value of book voucher codes that have been lost or redeemed without the consent of the school such book voucher code(s) were issued to.

2.11 Book voucher codes issued as part of R2R Toys expire on 31 July 2025 unless a different date is provided at the time of issue or through notification.

3 R2R Toys: Collections

3.1 Schools that have registered for R2R Toys for free via the Pod ( will have their contact details passed on to our collection partners C & M Global in order to be contacted to agree their collection date.

3.2 Rewards

3.2.1 Toys: £200 worth of book vouchers per tonne (20p per kilo).

3.2.2 Textiles: £300 worth of book vouchers per tonne (30p per kilo).

3.2.3 An additional £2.95 is deducted per voucher issued to cover P&P for each order placed using a book voucher. For example, if a school has earned 12,500 Recycling Reward Points (£125) a minimum of 2 vouchers would be issued and 2x £2.95 removed (£5.90) leaving a total of £119.10. This will be rounded down to the nearest £5 (£115), Therefore, a £100 voucher and a £15 voucher will be issued.

3.2.4 Secondary schools will receive the cash equivalent.

3.3 Terms

3.3.1 If you have any questions or concerns, please email

3.3.2 Where these Terms and Conditions contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Wastebuster of those linked websites or information that may be obtained from them. Wastebuster has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

3.3.3 Wastebuster does not exclude or limit in any way its liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Wastebuster, its employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

3.3.4 These terms and governed by English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

3.4 How we will use your information

3.4.1 By accepting the Rewards, schools agree to have their school named and promoted as a participant in any communications by Wastebuster/ the Pod and Partners.

3.4.2 Our use and processing of any personal information collected in the context of the Recycle to Read programme shall be in accordance with our Privacy.

3.4.3 Other than as set out in these terms and conditions, in our Privacy or otherwise permitted by law, we will not share your personal information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, nor will we pass on your details to other websites.

3.5 Promoters and partners

3.6.1 The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) (“Wastebuster”) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (

3.6.2 Wastebuster owns The Pod ( 

3.6.3 R2R Toys partner is C & M Global (

General Terms and Conditions

4.1 Wastebuster and the Pod reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. All participating schools and individuals will be made aware of any changes via the contact email provided within 30 days after the change is made.

4.2 Specific terms relating to specific material or use may appear in other areas such as the Pod website (, if so they will prevail over these general Terms and Conditions.

4.3 By participating in R2R Toys, each school consents to being named as a participant in the campaign by Wastebuster. Wastebuster grants to each School a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use identified Recycle to Read campaign materials in connection with the participation of the school in the Recycle to Read campaign, which such license shall immediately terminate on the earlier of (i) cancellation or termination of the school’s participation in R2R Toys campaign for any reason; and (ii) the end of R2R Toys.

4.4 Wastebuster shall retain full control and ownership of all rights (of any kind) in relation to R2R Toys, including but not limited to the right to amend or vary R2R Toys in any way at any time.

4.5 Wastebuster shall retain full ownership and control of any and all intellectual property rights now in existence or created in the future in relation to the Recycle to Read campaign and/or Wastebuster.

4.6 Except in the case of fraud, Wastebuster will not be liable to any school for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with R2R Toys or the Competitions and Prize Draws referred to in these Terms and Conditions. Wastebusters shall have no liability with respect to any Book voucher codes which are not redeemed for vouchers for any reason.

4.7 Wastebuster may terminate the Recycle to Read campaign on 90 days written notice to participating schools.

4.8 Schools shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the schools in relation to R2R Toys, other than those costs and expenses which are specifically agreed to be borne by Wastebuster pursuant to these terms and conditions.

4.9 The participation of a school in R2R Toys shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture or other similar arrangement between the school and Wastebuster, and neither Wastebuster nor any school shall hold itself out as agent, partner, principal, employer or employee of the other.

4.10 Wastebuster cannot be held responsible for any schools participating in R2R Trial collections that fail to undertake appropriate risk assessments and health and safety checks to ensure all considerations have been made and appropriate insurances are in place. Public liability insurances are entirely the responsibility of the participating school.

4.11 These terms and conditions and R2R Toys shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, the subject matters of these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.



Recycle to Read Batteries (“R2R Batteries”)



1.1 Nursery, primary and junior schools in mainland England (including the Isle of Wight) Wales and Scotland registered with the Pod can take part in R2R Batteries for book voucher code prizes. Secondary schools in mainland England (including the Isle of Wight) Wales and Scotland registered with the Pod can take part in R2R Batteries and win cash equivalents of the book voucher code prizes. All schools registered with the Pod can access the Recycle to Read education resources.

1.2 R2R Batteries is free for schools to participate in.

1.3 R2R Batteries runs throughout the English academic year 2023-2024.

1.4 We can only accept:

  • AAA, AA, C, D, 9V and 6V Batteries
  • Mobile Phone Batteries
  • Laptop Batteries
  • Power Tool Batteries

All lithium (Li) and button batteries should have tape covering their connectors. Button batteries can be placed in a line between two sections of sticky tape.

1.5 We cannot accept;

  • Car Batteries
  • Industrial Batteries
  • Batteries with connecting wires (unless taped to the side of the battery)
  • Packaging or other waste and recycling

1.6 Schools can request a collection for a full battery box (12kg+) by contacting our battery collection partners: Valpak ( either by calling 0161 989 9636 or email your details to Collections will be made from the school reception during school opening hours within 10 working days without further notice, please ensure your box is accessible at all times after requesting a collection. Your battery collection box will be emptied for reuse, please do not tape/seal your box. For any issues arising from collections, schools must speak to the collection partner handling their booking.

1.7 Although risks associated with hosting household battery collection points are considered to be low, it is advised that all battery collection points inform their insurers of the collection system, providing risk assessments. Further guidance on safe collection and storage can be found here: Valpak Battery Collections Guide. Guidance on child health and safety considerations can be found here: Valpak Child Heath and Safety Guide. Valpak’s batteries collection service disclaimer can be found here: Valpak Household Batteries Collection Service Disclaimer.

1.8 It is recommended that a risk assessment is undertaken to ensure any batteries collections activity in school is carried out responsibly with H&S considerations. Wastebuster shall not be liable to any registered school, under or in connection with the Recycle to Read campaign, howsoever arising under or in connection with these terms and conditions of the, whether in tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind as a result of participation in the collections.



2.1 All participants in the R2R Batteries are able to receive a discount code for 20% off the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue. This code will be sent to the email address used to register for recycling or rehoming, or in the case of schools, the email address used when registering to take part in R2R Batteries.

2.2 Book voucher codes with differing values are given as prizes (see clauses; 3 and 4 for competition details) that can be spent on all books in the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue.

2.3 Book voucher codes are issued in increments of £5 (£5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc.) up to £100, after which codes are issued in multiples of £100 (£100, 200, 300 etc.). The minimum voucher value is £5.

2.4 Schools wishing to buy books from the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue using their book voucher codes must follow the on-screen instructions on

2.5 Book voucher codes include free postage and packaging (worth £2.95) which is deducted for each order placed using a book voucher code.

2.6 Only one book voucher code can be used in each book order transaction.

2.7 Book voucher codes can only be redeemed once.

2.8 If the cost of the book(s) being purchased using the book voucher code is greater than the value of the book voucher code, it is possible to use other payment methods to cover the remaining cost. The value of the book voucher code is applied to the total order value.

2.9 If the value of the book voucher code is higher than the cost of the book(s) in the transaction, the remaining value of the book voucher code will be lost. No form of credit can be given for any unspent book voucher code value.

2.10 Book voucher codes only have a credit value in the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue and cannot be exchanged for cash or otherwise.

2.11 Wastebuster cannot be held responsible for reissuing or refunding the value of book voucher codes that have been lost or redeemed without the consent of the school such book voucher code(s) were issued to.

2.12 Book voucher codes issued as part of R2R Batteries in the academic year 2023-24 expire on 31 July 2025 unless a different date is provided at the time of issue or through notification.


3. R2R Batteries: Schools Prize Draw

3.1 Schools that have registered for R2R Batteries for free via the Pod ( will automatically be entered into prize draws allowing them to win book voucher codes.

3.2 Eligibility

The competition is open to schools participating in R2R Batteries

3.3 Prizes

3.3.1 All eligible schools registered for R2R Batteries for free via the Pod ( will receive a discount code for 20% off of the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue which will be distributed using the email address given when registering.

3.3.2 Ten winning schools will each win a book £100 voucher code, secondary school winners will receive the cash equivalent of £100.

3.3.3 See section 2. Voucher and discount codes for more details about voucher codes.

3.4 Terms

3.4.1 Prize draws will take place on the first business day of the month from October 2023 – July 2024 with winners being notified within 5 working days (by email to the contact’s email registered for R2R Batteries

3.4.2 No cash value or alternative prize is available.

3.4.3 No entrant may win a prize more than once throughout the duration of the prize draw.

3.4.4 The prizes and terms of the prize draw are subject to change without notice and are subject to availability.

3.4.5 Wastebuster reserves the right to provide substitute prizes.

3.4.6 Wastebuster reserves the right to change or cancel the prize draw at any stage and without prior notice.

3.4.7 If you have any questions or concerns, please email

3.4.8 The prize draw will run from 4 September 2023 and entry into the final prize draw will close at midday (GMT) on 28 June 2024.

3.4.9 Where these Terms and Conditions contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Wastebuster of those linked websites or information that may be obtained from them. Wastebuster has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

3.4.10 Wastebuster does not exclude or limit in any way its liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Wastebuster, its employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Wastebuster, its employees, officers and agents will not otherwise be liable to compensate the prize winners or accept any liability for any loss or damage occurring as a result of the competition.

3.4.11 These terms and governed by English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

3.5 How we will use your information

3.5.1 By accepting the prize in this competition schools agree to have their school named and promoted as a winner in any communications by Wastebuster/ the Pod and Partners.

3.5.2 Winning schools also agree to provide a quote about their prize, that can be used in Wastebuster and Pod promotions.

3.5.5 Our use and processing of any personal information collected in the context of the Recycle to Read programme shall be in accordance with our Privacy.

3.5.6 Other than as set out in these terms and conditions, in our Privacy or otherwise permitted by law, we will not share your personal information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, nor will we pass on your details to other websites.

3.6 Promoters and partners

3.6.1 The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) (“Wastebuster”) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (

3.6.2 Wastebuster owns The Pod (

3.6.3 R2R Batteries partners are Valpak.


4 R2R Batteries: First 100 schools

4.1 Schools that have registered for R2R Batteries for free via the Pod ( will automatically be entered into prize draws allowing them to win book voucher codes.

4.2 Eligibility

The competition is open to schools participating in R2R Batteries

4.3 Prizes

4.3.1 All eligible schools registered for R2R Batteries for free via the Pod ( will receive a discount code for 20% off of the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue which will be distributed using the email address given when registering.

4.3.2 The first 100 schools returning a full battery box (12kg+) will each win a £30 book voucher code, secondary school winners will receive the cash equivalent of £30.

4.3.3 See section 2. Voucher and discount codes for more details about voucher codes.

4.4 Terms

4.4.1 No cash value or alternative prize is available.

4.4.2 No entrant may win a prize more than once throughout the duration of the prize draw.

4.4.3 The prizes and terms of the prize draw are subject to change without notice and are subject to availability.

4.4.4 Wastebuster reserves the right to provide substitute prizes.

4.4.5 Wastebuster reserves the right to change or cancel the prize draw at any stage and without prior notice.

4.4.6 If you have any questions or concerns, please email

4.4.7 The competition will run from 4 September 2023 and will close at midday (GMT) on 28 June 2024.

4.4.8 Where these Terms and Conditions contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Wastebuster of those linked websites or information that may be obtained from them. Wastebuster has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

4.4.9 Wastebuster does not exclude or limit in any way its liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Wastebuster, its employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Wastebuster, its employees, officers and agents will not otherwise be liable to compensate the prize winners or accept any liability for any loss or damage occurring as a result of the competition.

4.4.10 These terms and governed by English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

4.5 How we will use your information

The terms in paragraph 3.5 above shall apply equally to the School Prize Draw.

4.6 Promoters and partners

4.6.1 The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) (“Wastebuster”) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (

4.6.2 Wastebuster owns The Pod (

4.6.3 R2R Batteries partners are Valpak


5 R2R Batteries: Individuals Prize Draw

5.1 Pupils who have brought in batteries to schools that have registered for R2R Batteries for free via the Pod ( will automatically be entered into prize draws allowing them to win book voucher codes.

5.2 Eligibility

The competition is open to pupils who have brought in batteries to schools participating in R2R Batteries.

5.3 Prizes

5.3.1 All eligible schools registered for R2R Batteries for free via the Pod ( will receive a discount code for 20% off of the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue which will be distributed using the email address given when registering.

5.3.2 Ten winning schools will each win a book £100 voucher code.

5.3.3 See section 2. Voucher and discount codes for more details about voucher codes.

5.4 Terms

5.4.1 A parent/ carer must register the pupils participation in battery recycling at school by completing the online form on

5.4.2 Prize draws will take place on the first business day of the month from October 2023 – July 2024 with winners being notified within 5 working days (by email to the contact’s email given on the online form on

5.4.3 The following prizes are available and will be selected at random for winners of the competition prize draw.

4x Busta Mascots (made from 5 recycled PET bottles)
1x Marley headphones ( 
1x Super Nature Lego (
1x Smart Green Science pack (
1x Refillable ocean saver water bottle (
1x RESIST WASTE Recycled backpack (
1x Recycled Rubber Urban Playground Football Size 4 (

5.4.4 Wastebuster cannot be held responsible for delayed arrival due to third party/courier delivery services.

5.4.5 No cash value or alternative prize is available.

5.4.6 No entrant may win a prize more than once throughout the duration of the prize draw.

5.4.7 The prizes and terms of the prize draw are subject to change without notice and are subject to availability.

5.4.8 Wastebuster reserves the right to provide substitute prizes.

5.4.9 Wastebuster reserves the right to change or cancel the prize draw at any stage and without prior notice.

5.4.10 If you have any questions or concerns, please email

5.4.11 The prize draw will run from 4 September 2023 and entry into the final prize draw will close at midday (GMT) on 28 June 2024.

5.4.12 Where these Terms and Conditions contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Wastebuster of those linked websites or information that may be obtained from them. Wastebuster has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

5.4.13 Wastebuster does not exclude or limit in any way its liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Wastebuster, its employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Wastebuster, its employees, officers and agents will not otherwise be liable to compensate the prize winners or accept any liability for any loss or damage occurring as a result of the competition.

5.4.14 These terms and governed by English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

5.5 How we will use your information

The terms in paragraph 3.5 above shall apply equally to the School Prize Draw.

5.6 Promoters and partners

5.6.1 The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) (“Wastebuster”) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (

5.6.2 Wastebuster owns The Pod (

5.6.3 R2R Batteries partners are Valpak



6.1 Wastebuster and the Pod reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. All participating schools will be made aware of any changes via the contact email provided within 30 days after the change is made.

6.2 By participating in R2R Batteries, each school consents to being named as a participant in the campaign by Wastebuster. Wastebuster grants to each School a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use identified Recycle to Read campaign materials in connection with the participation of the school in the Recycle to Read campaign, which such license shall immediately terminate on the earlier of (i) cancellation or termination of the school’s participation in R2R Batteries campaign for any reason; and (ii) the end of R2R Batteries.

6.3 Wastebuster shall retain full control and ownership of all rights (of any kind) in relation to R2R Batteries, including but not limited to the right to amend or vary R2R Batteries in any way at any time.

6.4 Wastebuster shall retain full ownership and control of any and all intellectual property rights now in existence or created in the future in relation to the Recycle to Read campaign and/or Wastebuster.

6.5 Except in the case of fraud, Wastebuster will not be liable to any school for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with R2R Batteries or competitions and prize draws referred to in these Terms and Conditions. Wastebusters shall have no liability with respect to any Book voucher codes which are not redeemed for vouchers for any reason.

6.6 Wastebuster may terminate the Recycle to Read campaign on 90 days written notice to participating schools.

6.7 Schools shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the schools in relation to R2R Batteries, other than those costs and expenses which are specifically agreed to be borne by Wastebuster pursuant to these terms and conditions.

6.8 The participation of a school in R2R Batteries shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture or other similar arrangement between the school and Wastebuster, and neither Wastebuster nor any school shall hold itself out as agent, partner, principal, employer or employee of the other.

6.9 Wastebuster cannot be held responsible for any schools participating in R2R Batteries collections that fail to undertake appropriate risk assessments and health and safety checks to ensure all considerations have been made and appropriate insurances are in place. Public liability insurances are entirely the responsibility of the participating school.

6.10 These terms and conditions and the R2R Batteries shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, the subject matters of these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.



Recycle to Read Textiles (“R2R Textiles”)



1.1 Nursery, primary and junior schools in mainland England (including the Isle of Wight) Wales Northern Ireland and Scotland registered with the Pod can take part in R2R Textiles for book voucher code rewards. Secondary schools in mainland England (including the Isle of Wight) Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland registered with the Pod can take part in R2R Textiles for cash equivalents of the book voucher code rewards. All schools registered with the Pod can access the Recycle to Read education resources.

1.2 R2R Textiles is free for schools to participate in.

1.3 R2R Textiles runs throughout the English academic year 2023-2024.

1.4 We can only accept;

  • Wearable Clothing
  • Paired Shoes
  • Handbags
  • Belts
  • Duvet Covers
  • Pillowcases

1.5 We cannot accept;

  • Workwear
  • Uniforms (including school uniforms)
  • Wet/Soiled Clothes
  • Duvets
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Table Cloths
  • Linens
  • Cushions
  • Carpets

1.6 Schools request to collect textiles by emailing with their school’s name, address, contact name, contact email and telephone number and ‘Textiles Collection’ in the subject area. School collection request details must be sent to our collection partners:

UK: Nathans Wastesavers (
London boroughs:  LMB ( Collection partners will contact the requesting school to organise their collection. For any issues arising from collections, schools must speak to the collection partner handling their booking.

1.7 It is recommended that a risk assessment is undertaken to ensure any textiles collections activity in school is carried out responsibly with H&S considerations. Wastebuster shall not be liable to any registered school, under or in connection with the Recycle to Read campaign, howsoever arising under or in connection with these terms and conditions of the, whether in tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind as a result of participation in the collections.



2.1 All participants in the R2R Textiles are able to receive a discount code for 20% off the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue. This code will be sent to the email address used to register for recycling or rehoming, or in the case of schools, the email address used when registering to take part in R2R Textiles.

2.2 Book voucher codes with differing values are given as prizes (see clauses; 3 and 4 for competition details) that can be spent on all books in the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue.

2.3 Book voucher codes are issued in increments of £5 (£5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc.) up to £100, after which codes are issued in multiples of £100 (£100, 200, 300 etc.). The minimum voucher value is £5.

2.4 Schools wishing to buy books from the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue using their book voucher codes must follow the on-screen instructions on

2.5 Book voucher codes include free postage and packaging (worth £2.95) which is deducted for each order placed using a book voucher code.

2.6 Only one book voucher code can be used in each book order transaction.

2.7 Book voucher codes can only be redeemed once.

2.8 If the cost of the book(s) being purchased using the book voucher code is greater than the value of the book voucher code, it is possible to use other payment methods to cover the remaining cost. The value of the book voucher code is applied to the total order value.

2.9 If the value of the book voucher code is higher than the cost of the book(s) in the transaction, the remaining value of the book voucher code will be lost. No form of credit can be given for any unspent book voucher code value.

2.10 Book voucher codes only have a credit value in the Harper Collins Recycle to Read book catalogue and cannot be exchanged for cash or otherwise.

2.11 Wastebuster cannot be held responsible for reissuing or refunding the value of book voucher codes that have been lost or redeemed without the consent of the school such book voucher code(s) were issued to.

2.12 Book voucher codes issued as part of R2R Textiles in the academic year 2023-24 expire on 31 July 2025 unless a different date is provided at the time of issue or through notification.


3. R2R Textiles: Collections

3.1 Schools that have registered for R2R Textiles for free via the Pod ( will be able to request a textile collection by emailing

3.2 Rewards

3.3.1 £300 worth of book vouchers per tonne (30p per kilo).

3.3.2 An additional £2.95 is deducted per voucher issued to cover P&P for each order placed using a book voucher. For example, if a school has earned 12,500 Recycling Reward Points (£125) a minimum of 2 vouchers would be issued and 2x £2.95 removed (£5.90) leaving a total of £119.10. This will be rounded down to the nearest £5 (£115), Therefore, a £100 voucher and a £15 voucher will be issued.

3.3.3 Secondary schools will receive the cash equivalent.

3.4 Terms

3.4.1 No cash value or alternative prize is available.

3.4.2 If you have any questions or concerns, please email

3.4.3 Where these Terms and Conditions contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Wastebuster of those linked websites or information that may be obtained from them. Wastebuster has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

3.4.4 Wastebuster does not exclude or limit in any way its liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Wastebuster, its employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Wastebuster, its employees, officers and agents will not otherwise be liable to compensate the prize winners or accept any liability for any loss or damage occurring as a result of the competition.

3.4.5 These terms and governed by English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

3.5 How we will use your information

3.5.1 By accepting the Rewards, schools agree to have their school named and promoted as a participant in any communications by Wastebuster/ the Pod and Partners.

3.5.2 Our use and processing of any personal information collected in the context of the Recycle to Read programme shall be in accordance with our Privacy.

3.5.3 Other than as set out in these terms and conditions, in our Privacy or otherwise permitted by law, we will not share your personal information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, nor will we pass on your details to other websites.

3.6 Promoters and partners

3.6.1 The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) (“Wastebuster”) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (

3.6.2 Wastebuster owns The Pod (

3.6.3 R2R Textiles partners are Nathans Wastesavers ( and LMB (



4.1 Wastebuster and the Pod reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. All participating schools will be made aware of any changes via the contact email provided within 30 days after the change is made.

4.2 By participating in R2R Textiles, each school consents to being named as a participant in the campaign by Wastebuster. Wastebuster grants to each School a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use identified Recycle to Read campaign materials in connection with the participation of the school in the Recycle to Read campaign, which such license shall immediately terminate on the earlier of (i) cancellation or termination of the school’s participation in R2R Textiles campaign for any reason; and (ii) the end of R2R Textiles.

4.3 Wastebuster shall retain full control and ownership of all rights (of any kind) in relation to R2R Textiles, including but not limited to the right to amend or vary R2R Textiles in any way at any time.

4.4 Wastebuster shall retain full ownership and control of any and all intellectual property rights now in existence or created in the future in relation to the Recycle to Read campaign and/or Wastebuster.

4.5 Except in the case of fraud, Wastebuster will not be liable to any school for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with R2R Textiles or competitions and prize draws referred to in these Terms and Conditions. Wastebusters shall have no liability with respect to any Book voucher codes which are not redeemed for vouchers for any reason.

4.6 Wastebuster may terminate the Recycle to Read campaign on 90 days written notice to participating schools.

4.7 Schools shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the schools in relation to R2R Textiles, other than those costs and expenses which are specifically agreed to be borne by Wastebuster pursuant to these terms and conditions.

4.8 The participation of a school in R2R Textiles shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture or other similar arrangement between the school and Wastebuster, and neither Wastebuster nor any school shall hold itself out as agent, partner, principal, employer or employee of the other.

4.9 Wastebuster cannot be held responsible for any schools participating in R2R Textiles collections that fail to undertake appropriate risk assessments and health and safety checks to ensure all considerations have been made and appropriate insurances are in place. Public liability insurances are entirely the responsibility of the participating school.

4.10 These terms and conditions and the R2R Textiles shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, the subject matters of these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.




Waste Week 2023 - Terms and Conditions

1. Waste Week 2023 Sign up Prize Draw - Terms and Conditions

Schools that sign up to Waste Week 2023 will be entered into a prize draw to win a bespoke Nasa Rokit Space experience workshop and a box of six NASA STEM inspired rocket launch system kits - designed & engineered in the UK by Hinterland. The workshop can be tailored to the age range of students.

Schools can opt out of the draw by emailing the Pod at   

This competition closes at midnight on 12 March 2023.


  • Schools must have signed up to take part in Waste Week 2023 by midnight on the 12 March 2023
  • Schools must be in mainland UK with pupils of primary and/ or secondary age.


  • A STEM based workshop delivered by Hinterland, using their Water Rokit launchers and 6 Water Rockit kits to keep.
  • Hinterland will work with the winning School to tailor the workshop to their needs (where and when possible) and within the eligible age range (within 5-16 years age range).
  • The promoter will pass the contact details of the winning school to Hinterland to arrange delivery of the prize. The workshop is to be held at a day and time convenient to both Hinterland and the school.
  • The workshop must be held by the end of the 30 October 2023 unless otherwise agreed between all parties (Wastebuster (the promoter), the winning school and Hinterland).
  • The promoter does not accept any liability for arranging the Workshop or its delivery.
  • We recommend the winning school carry out its own risk, health and safety assessments.
  • All details/ arrangements, need to be agreed between the winning School and Hinterland.

Winner selection process

  • The winning school will be selected at random from all eligible schools.
  • The winning school will be notified by email by the 17 March 2023.
  • If the winners do not respond to being contacted by Wastebuster within 28 days of notification, the prize will be allocated to a new winner selected at random from all remaining eligible entrants.


  • Only one entry per school is permitted.
  • No cash value or alternative prize is available.
  • The prize and terms are subject to change without notice and are subject to availability.
  • By accepting the prize in this competition schools agree to have their school promoted as a winner in any communications by Wastebuster/ the Pod. Winning schools also agree to provide a quote about their prize, that can be used in Wastebuster and Pod promotions. The winning school may also be required to take part in publicity as part of the prize to help promote the Pod and Waste Week to other Schools.
  • The promoter reserves the right to provide substitute prizes.
  • The promoter reserves the right to change or cancel this competition at any stage and without prior notice, if it deems necessary, or if circumstances arise outside of its control.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please email 
  • This promotion will be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
  • This competition will close at midnight on 12 March 2023.

Promoters and partners

  • The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (
  • For avoidance of doubt Wastebuster CIC owns The Pod (
  • The workshop experience and Water Rokits are designed, developed and delivered by Hinterland. You can find out more about the educational kits and experiences here.

2. Waste Week 2023 Toy-tastic Pledge Competition - Terms and Conditions

Schools that are signed up to Waste Week 2023 and share their students’ pledges with us will be entered into a prize draw to win six NASA Water Rokit Kits - that provide an innovative way for schools to reuse their plastic bottles. We have six kits available for each of the top three schools selected at random in the prize draw.

This competition closes at midnight on 31 March 2023.


  • Schools must have signed up to take part in Waste Week 2023 by midnight on the 12 March 2023
  • Schools must be in mainland UK with pupils of primary and/ or secondary age.
  • Entries consist of a photo of a student holding a completed pledge card with the toy/game they pledge to reuse (or just a pic of the pledge and the toy/game) emailed to with the subject line ‘Toy pledge competition'


  • Six NASA Water Rokit Kits for each of the 3 winning Schools to be selected at random from all eligible entries.

Winner selection process

  • Winning schools shall be selected at random.
  • The winning schools will be notified by email by the 17 April 2023.
  • If the winners do not respond to being contacted by Wastebuster within 28 days of notification, the prize will be allocated to a new winner selected at random from all remaining eligible entrants.


  • Each different pledge card emailed to with the subject line ‘Toy pledge competition’ shall be classed as an entry.
  • No cash value or alternative prize is available.
  • The prize and terms are subject to change without notice and are subject to availability
  • By accepting the prize in this competition Schools agree to have their School promoted as a winner in any communications by Wastebuster/ the Pod. Schools also agree to provide a quote about their prize, that can be used in Wastebuster and Pod promotions.
  • The promoter reserves the right to provide substitute prizes.
  • The promoter reserves the right to change or cancel this competition at any stage and without prior notice, if it deems necessary, or if circumstances arise outside of its control.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please email   
  • This promotion will be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
  • This competition will close at midnight on 31 March 2023.

Promoters and partners

  • The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (
  • For avoidance of doubt Wastebuster CIC owns The Pod (
  • The prizes have been donated by Hinterland. You can find out more about the educational kits and experiences here.

3. Miscellaneous

3.1 To cancel membership simply email with your school details and the campaign from which you would like to cancel your membership.

3.2 By participating in the Waste Week campaign, each School consents to being named as a participant in the campaign by Wastebuster. Wastebuster grants to each School a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use identified Waste Week campaign materials in connection with the participation of the school in the Waste Week campaign, which such license shall immediately terminate on the cancellation of the schools participation in the Waste Week campaign for any reason.

3.3 Wastebuster shall retain full control and ownership of all rights (of any kind) in relation to the Waste Week campaign, including but not limited to the right to amend or vary the Waste Week campaign in any way at any time on reasonable notice to participating Schools.

3.4 Wastebuster shall retain full ownership and control of any and all intellectual property rights now in existence or created in the future in relation to the Waste Week campaign and/or Wastebuster.

3.5 Except in the case of fraud, Wastebuster will not be liable to any School for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with the Waste Week campaign. 

3.6 Wastebuster may terminate the Waste Week campaign on 90 days written notice to Schools. 

3.7 Any personal data collected in relation to the Waste Week campaign will be collected and processed in accordance with Wastebuster’s privacy policy available at 

3.8 Schools shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the schools in relation to the Waste Week campaign, other than those costs and expenses which are specifically to be borne by Wastebuster in accordance with these terms and conditions.

3.9 The participation of a School in the Waste Week campaign shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture or other similar arrangement between the School and Wastebuster, and neither Wastebuster nor any school shall hold itself out as agent, partner, principal, employer or employee of the other.

3.10 Wastebuster and the Pod reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and will make you aware of any changes via the contact email provided. If specific terms appear in other areas of the Pod website ( relating to specific material or use, then they will prevail over these general Terms and Conditions.

3.11 These terms and conditions and the Waste Week campaign shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.



Switch Off Fortnight 2023 Competition (the “Competition”)



1.1 A young person or team of young people aged between 4-16 years-old and in full time education in mainland UK can submit a t-shirt design to get everyone switching off and saving energy, with your contact details and age, to enter the Competition.

1.2 Those Submitting;

  • warrant that such contribution is the Users own original work and/ or they have the right to make it available to Wastebuster for all the purposes specified in these terms; and
  • indemnify Wastebuster against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by Wastebuster as a result of Users breach of the above warranty; and
  • agree to waive any moral rights in their contribution for the purposes of its submission to and publication on this site and the other purposes specified in these terms.



2.1 You are eligible for entry to the Competition if the t-shirt design submitted was created by a young person or team of young people aged between 4-16 years-old and in full time education in mainland UK.



3.1 Entrants have an opportunity to win 10 shirts displaying their design (shirts will be made from either organic cotton or recycled PET and will be posted to the winning student/s schools).

3.2 There will be one primary aged winner and one secondary aged winner (although single submissions can also be sent by teams/ classes or whole schools).

3.3 There is also an optional factory visit for the winners accompanied by an adult/ guardian to the Teemill factory on the Isle of Wight to see how their t-shirts are produced. Unfortunately Wastebuster is unable to contribute to any travel or accommodation costs associated with this visit.

3.4 Students can submit more than one entry although only one per email.

3.5 Entrants must email their entry to If entries are over 10MB please use wetransfer or a similar sending service and include the download link in your email.

3.6 Winners will be chosen by a set of judging criteria.

  • Simple messaging (understandable)
  • Creativity
  • Uniqueness (originality)
  • Duplication - if there are 2 or more similar designs, the one that scores more highly against the judging criteria will be chosen

3.7 The last submission of entries is midnight Sunday 26 November 2023.

3.8 Entrants will be notified by email if they have been successful by midnight on Monday 4 December 2023 using the contact details used for submission.

3.9 By entering this competition, you are giving Wastebuster the right to promote your entry on the Wastebuster/ Pod websites and via all media and communications channels including mainstream media.

3.10 No alternative prizes are available.

3.11 If you have any questions or concerns, please email



4.1 No cash value or alternative prize is available.

4.2 If you have any questions or concerns, please email

4.3 Where these Terms and Conditions contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Wastebuster of those linked websites or information that may be obtained from them. Wastebuster has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

4.4 Wastebuster does not exclude or limit in any way its liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Wastebuster, its employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Wastebuster, its employees, officers and agents will not otherwise be liable to compensate the prize winners or accept any liability for any loss or damage occurring as a result of the competition.



5.1 By submitting, users agree to have their first name and school named and promoted as a participant in any communications by Wastebuster/ the Pod and Partners.

5.2 Our use and processing of any personal information collected shall be in accordance with our Privacy.

5.3 Other than as set out in these terms and conditions, in our Privacy or otherwise permitted by law, we will not share your personal information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, nor will we pass on your details to other websites.



6.1 The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) (“Wastebuster”) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (

6.2 Wastebuster owns The Pod (

6.3 The Competition partners are: Teemill



7.1 Wastebuster and the Pod reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. All participators will be made aware of any changes via the contact email provided within 30 days after the change is made.

7.2 Wastebuster shall retain full control and ownership of all rights (of any kind) in relation to Switch Off Fortnight, including but not limited to the right to amend or vary Switch Off Fortnight in any way at any time.

7.3 Wastebuster shall retain full ownership and control of any and all intellectual property rights now in existence or created in the future in relation to the Switch Off Fortnight campaign and/or Wastebuster.

7.4 Except in the case of fraud, Wastebuster will not be liable to any User for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with Switch Off Fortnight or competitions and prize draws referred to in these Terms and Conditions.

7.5 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, the subject matters of these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.





Water Week 2024 Competition (the “Competition”)



1.1 A young person aged between 4-11 years-old and in full time education in the UK can submit a song, poster or play to remind everyone to help save water and stop water pollution, to enter the Competition.

1.2 Those Submitting;

  • warrant that such contribution is the Users own original work and/ or they have the right to make it available to Wastebuster for all the purposes specified in these terms; and
  • indemnify Wastebuster against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by Wastebuster as a result of Users breach of the above warranty; and
  • agree to waive any moral rights in their contribution for the purposes of its submission to and publication on this site and the other purposes specified in these terms.


2.1 You are eligible for entry to the Competition if the song, poster or play submitted was created by a young person aged between 4-11 years-old and in full time education in the UK.



3.1 Entrants have an opportunity to have their entry featured on the Water Week roadshow 2024-25 and may even receive a visit by the Water Week roadshow 2024-25 in the autumn term.

3.2 Students can submit more than one entry although only one per email.

3.3 Entrants must email their entry to If entries are over 10MB please use wetransfer or a similar sending service and include the download link in your email.

3.4 Winners will be chosen by a set of judging criteria.

  • Simple messaging (understandable)
  • Creativity
  • Uniqueness (originality)
  • Duplication - if there are 2 or more similar designs, the one that scores more highly against the judging criteria will be chosen

3.5 The last submission of entries is midday Monday 10 June 2024.

3.6 Entrants will be notified by email if they have been successful by midnight on Friday 21 June 2024 using the contact details used for submission.

3.7 By entering this competition, you are giving Wastebuster the right to promote your entry on the Wastebuster/ Pod websites and via all media and communications channels including mainstream media.

3.8 No alternative prizes are available.

3.9 If you have any questions or concerns, please email



4.1 No cash value or alternative prize is available.

4.2 If you have any questions or concerns, please email

4.3 Where these Terms and Conditions contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Wastebuster of those linked websites or information that may be obtained from them. Wastebuster has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

4.4 Wastebuster does not exclude or limit in any way its liability where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Wastebuster, its employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Wastebuster, its employees, officers and agents will not otherwise be liable to compensate the prize winners or accept any liability for any loss or damage occurring as a result of the competition.



5.1 By submitting, users agree to have their first name and school named and promoted as a participant in any communications by Wastebuster/ the Pod and Partners.

5.2 Our use and processing of any personal information collected shall be in accordance with our Privacy.

5.3 Other than as set out in these terms and conditions, in our Privacy or otherwise permitted by law, we will not share your personal information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, nor will we pass on your details to other websites.



6.1 The promoter is Wastebuster CIC (company number: 05883640) (“Wastebuster”) whose registered address is at: The Bothy, Albury Park, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BH (

6.2 Wastebuster owns The Pod ( 



7.1 Wastebuster and the Pod reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. All participators will be made aware of any changes via the contact email provided within 30 days after the change is made.

7.2 Wastebuster shall retain full control and ownership of all rights (of any kind) in relation to Water Week, including but not limited to the right to amend or vary Water Week in any way at any time.

7.3 Wastebuster shall retain full ownership and control of any and all intellectual property rights now in existence or created in the future in relation to the Water Week campaign and/or Wastebuster.

7.4 Except in the case of fraud, Wastebuster will not be liable to any User for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with Water Week or competitions and prize draws referred to in these Terms and Conditions.

7.5 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, the subject matters of these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.